Rihanna’s S&M video has been banned from TV in 11 countries! (But available worldwide on YouTube…hmm). MTV is looking to edit this colorful and strategically hardcore video to make it acceptable for day-time TV.
Laced with Pradathroughout the video – this fashionista will not be getting the hoped for airtime on this one! However, social media has certainly changed the way Artists market their material. I’m sure she’s reached more fans through YouTube, Facebook, and Twitter than she would have on TV anyway! And yes, this ‘ban’ has caused an even greater increase in viewership!
“Good girl gone bad”…. She wasn’t LYIN’!
Stay true to you… you are greatness already happening!
It’s Girl Scout Cookie Season! This is the time of year you’ll find Thin Mints, Carmel Delights and Samoas begin to magically appear in offices, cupboards, and pocket books across America . It’s also a time of year when young girls can learn to be entrepreneurs; with MoM spearheading the operation – demanding co-workers and family to make cookie purchase – these kids are bound for success!
But somehow the young ladies and delicious cookies haven’t just offered us a friendly smile and a midnight fix – they also offer us a great tonal pallet great for the spring and fall season!
These colors are rich: Carmel, ‘Dessert’ Sand, Dark Chocolate, Honey Brown, and Milk Chocolate
Who would have thought these annual treats could be such a fashion inspiration! Well, if your anything like me, reading this article has got you feaning for some cookies – SO GO SUPPORT THE GIRLS SCOUTS and order a few boxes! 🙂
Call the Rep below or find one near you!
Winston-Salem, NC – Amber Johnson – 336.253.1778
To all the Girl Scouts across the Globe…You are greatness ALREADY happening!
One played with heart and the other played for his heart! But none the less – these two men look so identical they had to have been separated at birth! I don’t know … Pappa may have been a rolling stone…haha
How have these twins contributed to fashion you ask???
Mike has introduced a new colorway to our wardrobes (you know what it is): “Black and Yellow, Black and Yellow”.
And Omar has shown us that comfort is a new trend – from ‘House’ scrubs to b-ball shorts, it’s all about having an outfit that’s mobile!
Either way these two young men are truly penetrating their industries!
Keep on winning SuperBowls Mike and we certainly know who’s playing YOU on the big screen!
Guys! Break out Grandpa’s trunk, and put Pharrell on your iTunes, it’s new age vintage time! You’ll be needing some of those old frocks to be “in like flint” for Fall 2011!
WWD.com did a great job of describing the collection as channeling the universe of Pharrell Williams, the music video genre, and even the late 1970’s graffiti artist Jean-Michel Basquiat, resulting in a youthful and commercial collection. The D&G Collection mimiced the high-school Happy Days era; incorporating baseball tees, multi-colored vests, preppy cardigans, furs, tweeds, leather jackets and splashes of Mickey-Mouse and Coca-Cola gear.
But once again, lets not take all of this too literal guys! Some of these outfits are good as a whole and some are effective as seperates. I’m no “home-wrecker” and I’d hate for my advice to leave you single and lonely… so PLEASE do not come out of the house wearing this! (see below) —->
CAUTION: Watch your seperates!
With impeccable style and always inspiring collections D&G has once again introduced something unique for men to incorprate in their wardrobes! No more dull colors, neutral tops and jeans boys – you’ll be tasting the rainbow this season!
***View the slideshow of some DVF’s wildest outfits from her collection and let me know the Spring 2011 Trends you spotted!
We’ll discuss your comments on the next posting!***
When I decided not to write for a few days to let the DVF posting marinate…one of the readers sent in a great request!
Anon writes –
“Sounds like she is your favorite designer? DVF is cool but her patterns tend to be a little much for me sometimes. She does have what a lot of designers do not have, staying power. I’d love to hear your thoughts on her spring 2011 line when it comes out.“
So Anon – this is for you! =)
Yes, some of these fun pattern/color combos can be quite discouraging and aren’t for everyone, but beauty AND fashion is in the eye of the beholder. These prints were more major than previous seasons and the colors, simultaneously bolder and more subtle. But a key concept to remember when viewing fashion shows is that it’s not always about the complete outfit that comes down the runway…
Let me dissect!
If you have ever worked in visuals for a retailer, especially for those that are trendy – you know that the corporate guidelines want you to showcase the most current pieces AND (all together now)… LAYER LAYER LAYER! Why? So that you can showcase more than one piece to the consumer.
Well, on the runway its somewhat similar – their window display… is the runway.
In the case of some designers, they present all outfits that are wearable as is, and for others, its all about the concepts of each piece, the silhouette, the colors, inspiration, and so forth.
So when your watching runway shows or clicking through style.com photos – don’t just look… but listen to what the designer is saying about upcoming colors, silhouettes, prints and patterns, hems, etc. In doing so, you’ll gain more of a respect for the “Art” of fashion design and be on board with upcoming fashion trends.
***MESSAGE! haha***
The DVF collection, entitled “Goddess”, had a strong mix of tailored pieces as well as French inspired draping that were both emphasized silhouettes throughout the collection.
One of the most important elements of DVF is sophistication and elegance – despite what the DVF girl has on, she is always representing herself with these attributes.
Diane Von Furstenberg and Yvan Mispelaere
DVF and her new design partner Yvan Mispelaere unleashed a kinetic energy with a series of prints: clouds, broken waves, Greek keys, and marbled wings – which DVF described as “lyrical and open; architectural and fluid; mixed and matched…an understated elegance.” (Lisa Martinez)
Could it have been this fine young gentleman (Yvan Mispelaere) that has added a bolder tweek to the DVF collection? With a background of designing for Gucci and Chloe you can certainly understand that this man has a vision for the DVF collection and has done a fine job of introducing new concepts.
I hope that this post helps you better understand my view of the collection as well as help you see fashion shows in a new light!