In celebration of E&Z and Lavish Hair Spa’s “I AM BEAUTIFUL” Campaign we decided to join them in their daily style challenge: Tuesday – Color Blocking!
Send your color blocking pics to [email protected] to win 15% off ALL E&Z apparel!!
Dressed in E & Z to the "T"! (Hair Styled by Lavish Hair Spa)
Ethan & Zoey have teamed up with Lavish Hair Spa to sponsor the“I Am Beautiful” Campaign” to promote inner beauty and confidence.
::SM SUBSCRIBERS:: you’ve GOT to participate in this week long event starting tomorrow Tuesday, May 17th. Each day they will feature a favorite trend, so join along in the fun and send your pic on these days below.
Submit your picture to [email protected] for a chance to win 15% off Ethan & Zoey Clothing!!!
The grande finale —> TRUNK SHOW & BEAUTY BAR ON MAY 21st 4-7pm @ LAVISH HAIR SPA. 200 W Woodlawn Rd Suite F, 28217
Psst: Lavish Hair Spa will discount all services $10. Mani & Pedi combo $10 off
Tuesday: COLOR BLOCKING****you can color block an outfit, hair or nails
Wednesday: PURE**** All white look, all white nights or you can get a blow out on your hair
Thursday: BOLD****Any bold lip color and or a fedora hat, and for hair, go for the tussled look
Friday: BACK TO YOUR ROOTS***Tribal and or mix print, printed manicure, Natural Hair look
Saturday: RELAXATION DAY **** TRUNK SHOW!!!!!! 4-7PM All Denim and $10 off Relaxers
*Dinner following Trunk Show at BluePrint Restaurant
You’ve GOT to join the “I AM BEAUTIFUL CAMPAIGN”!
Submit your picture to [email protected] for a chance to win 15% off Ethan & Zoey Clothing!!! See you there!
A Mom in California gave her daughter Botox in preparation for a kid’s beauty pageant and continues to give her Botox every 3 months to keep her looking “popular” and “famous”! Well all her hard work has now put her under investigation! When comments were received from the Mother in regards to the issue she stated:
“I just, like, don’t, like, think wrinkles are nice on little girls,” Britney said.
I think this Mom has officially gone over the edge! What ever happened to the days when you bought your daughter the Barbie Dream House for her 10th birthday or a new car for her sweet sixteen? Our children ( AND PARENTS) have been so “beauty washed” that now their getting Botox and breast implants!?! I just don’t understand!
THE KIDS ARE ALRIGHT! Just the way they are!
Check out the Video HERE! and let me know your thoughts!
Entrepreneurs, Socialites, Executives, Photographers, Designers, and Models partnered with JONES Magazine to attend the premier of the new T.D. Jakes movie – “Jumping the Broom”
The most influential women in the Charlotte Fashion scene were astounded by the presentation, quality, and content of JONES Magazine. The fashion editorials were flawless and every page turned was inspiration!
I will DEFINITELY be subscribing to Jones Magazine – and you should too!
Thanks to’s GZ Roze we were able to get a glimpse of the Ladies Night Out. The night was exciting and refreshing!
Just finished looking at an NY Daily News slide show on the hats worn at the Kentucky Derby – they will definitely make you rethink your comments made about the guests at the Royal Wedding!
The Met Gala seamed to have everyone who’s anyone at it, including Ciara…(lol)
After scanning a 65 photo slide show on (see it here!) I finally decided what my favorites and least favorites were from the Met Gala. I know that fashion can be relative, and it’s all in the eye of the beholder, but my selections are based off of what I think would look stunning on me! Send me your favs to [email protected]!
There were a lot more dresses that I adored however I seemed to be drawn to the fitted long-sleeved dresses. When you click on the pictures you’ll see why! Enjoy!
You may just see me at the 2012 Met Gala — who will I be wearing?? Hmm…