Mom Gives 8yr Old Daughter Botox! WHAT?!

A Mom in California gave her daughter Botox in preparation for a kid’s beauty pageant and continues to give her Botox every 3 months to keep her looking “popular” and “famous”! Well all her hard work has now put her under investigation! When comments were received from the Mother in regards to the issue she stated:

“I just, like, don’t, like, think wrinkles are nice on little girls,” Britney said.

I think this Mom has officially gone over the edge! What ever happened to the days when you bought your daughter the Barbie Dream House for her 10th birthday or a new car for her sweet sixteen? Our children ( AND PARENTS) have been so “beauty washed” that now their getting Botox and breast implants!?! I just don’t understand!

THE KIDS ARE ALRIGHT! Just the way they are!

Check out the Video HERE! and let me know your thoughts!

You are greatness already happening!


::Stacee Michelle::