Today’s Daily Style Trend for the “I AM BEAUTIFUL CAMPAIGN” sponsored by Ethan & Zoey and Lavish Hair Spa is THURSDAY’s Bold Lip Day! From Matte to super slick, bold lips are the newest beauty trend for the spring/summer season! Don’t be afraid of the bright neon shades, choose a color that works well with your complexion and outfit. Let your lips do the talking when you walk into a room! Do you have a pic of your bold lips?! Send your photos to [email protected]! Get 15%off beauty and apparel of if you participate!
Early Tuesday morning, Chris Brown had an interview on Good Morning America with Robin Roberts. The interview was going great until Roberts managed to squeeze in a few comments about Rihanna. Disturbed by the questions, Brown quickly directed the conversation back to talking about his new album. But that’s not even the best part! According to TMZ, Brown lost it in the dressing room, screaming, jumping in the face of a GMA producer, breaking a window, and then storming out of the building with his shirt off (TMZ has the shirtless photos).”
Did anyone know he was this tatted up!?
After the show, Roberts Tweeted: “Sure has been an interesting AM @GMA. Still sorting thru everything myself. Just my 2nd day on twitter, wonder what tomorrow will bring?”
According to TMZ, Brown Tweeted, “I’m so over people bringing this past s**t up!!! Yet we praise Charlie sheen and other celebs for there bulls**t.”
He removed the message and posted two more, notes “Thank you to everyone who supports my music!!! Key Word (music) !!! Love y’all,” and “All my fans!!! This album is for you and only you!!! I’m so tired of everyone else!! Honestly!! I love team breezy!!”
So whats the deal with Chris Breezy? Does he still have anger management issues he needs to deal with? Or maybe the bleach got to his head! Whatever the case, he needs some serious, help, healing, and guidance.
What are your thoughts ::SM:: Subscribers? Do you like his new “good boy, gone bad” look?
Burnette or Blonde… you are greatness already happening!
Photos were just leaked fromVogue’s annual “Shape” issue! The magazine features gorgeous celebrities and models who have embraced their shapely bodies. In this issue, Vogue speaks further with Rihanna about fame, family, and how she really feels about her curves. Do you think she’s into them? Check out the spread and let me know your thoughts!
Whatever shape you may be… you are greatness already happening!
Rihanna’s S&M video has been banned from TV in 11 countries! (But available worldwide on YouTube…hmm). MTV is looking to edit this colorful and strategically hardcore video to make it acceptable for day-time TV.
Laced with Pradathroughout the video – this fashionista will not be getting the hoped for airtime on this one! However, social media has certainly changed the way Artists market their material. I’m sure she’s reached more fans through YouTube, Facebook, and Twitter than she would have on TV anyway! And yes, this ‘ban’ has caused an even greater increase in viewership!
“Good girl gone bad”…. She wasn’t LYIN’!
Stay true to you… you are greatness already happening!