Soooo.. I sifted through all the Spring 2013 designer collections that began with the letter “B”; selected one outfit that I would wear (which wasn’t easy); and put all the photos in a gallery to show you my top pics! Take a look ! —>
The Met Gala seamed to have everyone who’s anyone at it, including Ciara…(lol)
After scanning a 65 photo slide show on (see it here!) I finally decided what my favorites and least favorites were from the Met Gala. I know that fashion can be relative, and it’s all in the eye of the beholder, but my selections are based off of what I think would look stunning on me! Send me your favs to [email protected]!
There were a lot more dresses that I adored however I seemed to be drawn to the fitted long-sleeved dresses. When you click on the pictures you’ll see why! Enjoy!
You may just see me at the 2012 Met Gala — who will I be wearing?? Hmm…
When doing my daily review of “What’s happening in fashion”, I was ever so amused by a photo feature on It was posted at the beginning of NY Fashion Week, capturing the ‘Fashion Week Essentials’ needed for the grueling schedules of editors, stylists, models, designers and more. Once Vogue and The Coveteur (a new website) got the list of fashion key players, they asked them to assemble their essentials for a portrait shot by Jake Rosenberg.
By linking up with The Coveteur, Vogue was able to really showcase some ‘enviable and informative’ photos!
You'll be joining the greats 'Front Row' this year!
I was a little disappointed when I found out I couldn’t make it to NY Fashion Week this year – but lo and behold, the fashion-gods answered my prayers! I will still be able to catch some of my favorite designers front row, LIVE, and at home!
You and I both have just been granted front row tickets to 30+ shows for Mercedes Benz Fashion Week!!
This year several designers will showcase their collections via live-stream using various sites including,, and to name a few.
I am soexcited and am sure you are as well! – so print out this page, grab a pen and pad, put it in your blackberry; do whatever you have to do to get ready for a fashion week unlike any before.
No lines, no money, and no travel, but a front row seat and all the fashion you can get!
Fabulous at home watching NY Fashion Week… you are greatness already happening!
::Stacee Michelle::
Live-stream Fashion Show LINE-UP:
• The Heart Truth’s Red Dress Collection: 7 p.m. on Wednesday, February 9, at