Fantasia, Porsche & More! | Red Carpet & BTS @ Fashion D’Lux

Two of my favorites in music and fashion, Beyonce and Diane Von Furstenberg, join forces with other notable women and men to fight against the “B-word”. Now this is not the typical “b-word” that comes to most of our minds, no, this “b-word” is… BOSSY. Several celebrities and civic leaders use their voices to empower young women that it is okay to be a leader, and being bossy (at times) isn’t such a bad thing. To find out more about the Ban Bossy campaign, click here! *Cue Music Kelis “I’m Bossy“*
Who’s the Boss?? YOU ARE!
::Stacee Michelle::
I headed out with my girls Deidra and Jania to For Sisters Only 2012 (FSO). What was supposed to be a day of relaxing, shopping vendors, and people watching… ended up turning into an adventure as always! Somehow we managed to start working at the booth for R&B singer Q. Parker of 112 selling fitness calendars! haha. We saw him looking a little distressed at his booth as he was setting up and asked if he needed some help – sure nuff, we were on the job! haha. See the photo journey Captured By Stacee Michelle ;):
l had a great time laughin, joking, and working with everyone.. including DeAngelo who managed to not get in any of my pictures! hah. It’s always great to meet a celebrity who is humble and real…Q Parker is greatness already happening!
Keep a look out for his new Album called “The MANuel” this summer and be sure to order one of his exclusive calendars at!
::Stacee Michelle::
Lady Gaga graces the cover of Vogue magazine this month and she is certainly not getting to many hoots and hollers from this corner.
I adore the clothes, styling, and love the concept, but Gaga just looks so disconnected from these photos. I think we all need to say a few prayers and grab a life-preserver because I think Gaga has fallen off the deep end!
You are awesome at creating, producing, performing, and singing … get lost in the music the right way L.G….
I’d love to hear your thoughts on the spread subscribers!
CLICK: Here for Lady Gaga’s Official Vogue Spread
::Stacee Michelle::