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Let your Palate Be Your Color Pallet for 2011!

Cookie Pallete

It’s Girl Scout Cookie Season! This is the time of year you’ll find Thin Mints, Carmel Delights and Samoas begin to magically appear in offices, cupboards, and pocket books across America . It’s also a time of year when young girls can learn to be entrepreneurs; with MoM spearheading the operation – demanding co-workers and family to make cookie purchase – these kids are bound for success!

But somehow the young ladies and delicious cookies haven’t just offered us a friendly smile and a midnight fix – they also offer us a great tonal pallet great for the spring and fall season!

These colors are rich: Carmel, ‘Dessert’ Sand, Dark Chocolate, Honey Brown, and Milk Chocolate




Who would have thought these annual treats could be such a fashion inspiration! Well, if your anything like me, reading this article has got you feaning for some cookies – SO GO SUPPORT THE GIRLS SCOUTS and order a few boxes! 🙂

Call the Rep below or find one near you!

Winston-Salem, NC – Amber Johnson – 336.253.1778

To all the Girl Scouts across the Globe…You are greatness ALREADY happening!


:: Stacee Michelle ::
