Just curious to know how your morning closet raid turned out! What are you wearing today?
Send in a photo of your outfit! Or opt to just send pictures of key items like tops, bottoms, accessories, shoes, hair pieces to [email protected]! I’ll post the most stylish submissions!
Let’s see who continues to be fashionable after hump-day!
Here’s my Thursday work attire “flair” piece…
Key Piece: Long-sleeve ruffle front top with printed shirt detailing. I paired this with a high-waisted black skirt, braided belt, black opaque tights, and black ankle booties. I also added a small feather compliment piece to my hair to spice things up!
You'll be joining the greats 'Front Row' this year!
I was a little disappointed when I found out I couldn’t make it to NY Fashion Week this year – but lo and behold, the fashion-gods answered my prayers! I will still be able to catch some of my favorite designers front row, LIVE, and at home!
You and I both have just been granted front row tickets to 30+ shows for Mercedes Benz Fashion Week!!
This year several designers will showcase their collections via live-stream using various sites including livestream.com, facebook.com, and style.com to name a few.
I am soexcited and am sure you are as well! – so print out this page, grab a pen and pad, put it in your blackberry; do whatever you have to do to get ready for a fashion week unlike any before.
No lines, no money, and no travel, but a front row seat and all the fashion you can get!
Fabulous at home watching NY Fashion Week… you are greatness already happening!
::Stacee Michelle::
Live-stream Fashion Show LINE-UP:
• The Heart Truth’s Red Dress Collection: 7 p.m. on Wednesday, February 9, at CBSNews.com/HeartTruth