Word on the street is that Kanye West has applied to Central Saint Martins College in London to obtain a Master’s degree in Fashion! I guess this ‘college drop-out’ had a change of heart!
He hasn’t been accepted yet; surprisingly the school is making him interview and proceed through the whole application process! He most recently flew out to London to speak with the head of the program, Professor Louise Wilson, who has guided the career of many of Britain’s top designers including the late Alexander McQueen.
I'm sure she could teach him a thing or two!
I am sure that the college is teetering on whether or not to accept Kanye. Although it would gain a lot of publicity for the university, it also poses a great risk of damaging the schools credibility. The school isn’t hurting for more celebrity representation – THE CLASH, M.I.A., JARVIS COCKER, members of the SEX PISTOLS and STELLA McCARTNEY are all former students of CSM (The Sun).
So what do you think they’ll decide?
Accepted or Not Accepted… you are greatness alreadyhappening!
You'll be joining the greats 'Front Row' this year!
I was a little disappointed when I found out I couldn’t make it to NY Fashion Week this year – but lo and behold, the fashion-gods answered my prayers! I will still be able to catch some of my favorite designers front row, LIVE, and at home!
You and I both have just been granted front row tickets to 30+ shows for Mercedes Benz Fashion Week!!
This year several designers will showcase their collections via live-stream using various sites including livestream.com, facebook.com, and style.com to name a few.
I am soexcited and am sure you are as well! – so print out this page, grab a pen and pad, put it in your blackberry; do whatever you have to do to get ready for a fashion week unlike any before.
No lines, no money, and no travel, but a front row seat and all the fashion you can get!
Fabulous at home watching NY Fashion Week… you are greatness already happening!
::Stacee Michelle::
Live-stream Fashion Show LINE-UP:
• The Heart Truth’s Red Dress Collection: 7 p.m. on Wednesday, February 9, at CBSNews.com/HeartTruth