Does age really matter when it comes to fashion?
The CFDA releases a list of guidelines designers are encouraged to follow in an effort to make the most healthy model selections for runway.
Diane Von Furstenburg, CFDA president, discovered that one of her girls (Hailey Clauson) had slipped through the cracks and was under the age of 16. Realizing the mishap, she wrote a letter to her fellow colleagues apologizing for mistakenly stepping outside the CFDA guidelines:
…”I was horrified and terribly embarrassed. From now on I will instruct my casting people to demand IDs. I encourage you to do the same.” …
15 yr old Hailey Clauson has graced the runway for numerous designers since her debut at NY Fashion Week in Sept 2010. That season she ended up walking for ADAM, Z Spoke by Zac Posen, and Calvin Klein shows and went on to walk for Gucci, Versace, Christian Dior, Lanvin, Hermès, Miu Miu, and Louis Vuitton. She is currently a face of Gucci and DSquared2 (nymag.com).
With the immense use of Hailey Causon it’s apparent that designers are more concerned with the “look” than the actual age of the model.
What are your thoughts? Do you think an age limit should be enforced for runway models?
Whether your 15 or 51.. you are greatness already happening!
Look forward to your comments!
::Stacee Michelle::
photos: nymag.com & style.com